A New Year and BIG dreams and a teeny tiny project I’m doing right now. My present goal is to train my Deep Learning model on a larger number of images believing that the predictions it makes will be more accurate. I’m taking pictures of Pseudopithomyces Chartarum spores as...
Why Games? Actually why not!
Getting stuck on a Python Truth Value Error
What happens when you get stuck and nothing seems to work? That’s what happened with me. I kept getting a Python Truth Value error when running code in my Colab Notebook. From the 7th of August to the 18th I tried all manner of things to work out why....
Simplicity over Complexity
Edward de Bono in his book “Simplicity” explains why he believes that simplicity is going to be a key value in the future. And describes different approaches we can take to achieve it. The benefits are obvious to those of us that have recently de-cluttered the shelves in our...
Precession and Goal Setting
Bucky Fuller taught many principles to his students. One of them was PRECESSION, which he defined as: “the effect of bodies in motion on other bodies in motion“. He demonstrated this idea with a story about the honey bee. The bee goes about gathering nectar from flowers to take back...
Start Right Where You Are
Such good advice from my creative mentor Samantha Bennett of therealsambennett.com . Start with who you know. Start with something you’re passionate about and good at doing. Start with something that gives value or solves a problem for the people you want to help the most. Make something no...