Hello and welcome to the Pink Cow Company.
We’re on a mission to build alternative educational and coaching programs to help you fly in your farm business.
Improving the genetic potential of your cows and using modern state of the art equipment and technology will only take you so far on the road to better cow fertility, production, and longevity.
Especially if you are leading a big farming business.
It takes a team of people that have different skills, talents and ways of doing than you.
And the willingness to keep learning.
To keep pushing the boundaries of what you think is possible.
3 Easy Steps To Take Right Now To Get Your Cows To Eat More Over The Summer
Is a new Infographic I’ve created for you.
All you have to do is pop in your first name and email address.
P.S. The summer heat can be hard on cows. Helping them lose it will mean more production and better cash flow.
And of course it makes good animal welfare sense.
P.S.S. By the way we also create stuff you can see to explain key nutritional concepts and processes you can’t.
And offer coaching, facilitating and teaching programs.
So feel free to look around this website.
And remember to grab your free Report!
3 Easy Steps To Take Right Now To Get Your Cows To Eat More Over The Summer

Here’s what they’ve been saying…
About Jane’s Cashflow Cow Nutrition 101 Course.
“Very well presented” S.M
And H.B. scored the course a 10 on how likely he would recommend it to a friend.