I expect you have a whole bunch of people helping you in your business. I know I have.
We all need employees, educators, mentors, coaches and specialists on our team. They add the experience and talent we don’t have.
So we can get on with what we do best.
And just so that you are clear about where I fit in, I’ve put together some questions I imagine you might need answering.
Here they are.
Oh and by the way, feel free to contact me if you have a question I’ve missed!
Q. How do I work with you ?.
You can work with me in person or not. It’s your choice.
I’ve created 365 Ways To Feed which is an online membership program. You can read and study these emails at your own time. Think of them as little bites that suit your busy ‘hands on’ lifestyle.
Or I can work with you in person on your most pressing and costly animal health and productivity issues. I’m an educator, facilitator and coach. I build and use models to explain key concepts.
Q. I’ve done a lot of different farming courses e.g. I’m up to Primary I.T.O. level 5. What’s different about your material?
My content draws on my Chemistry and Veterinary Science background. I simplify complex material with diagrams and models. I seek out the best specialists I can find and learn from them.
Plus I have 30 something years broad education as a mother, farm veterinarian, business manager, real estate investor and direct service consultant.
![Primary ITO Fieldays Survey](http://www.thepinkcowcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/primary-ITO-final-survey-result-300x225.jpg)
Q. How can you make me money/save me vet bills/improve my business profitability, production and cow health?
I think truly understanding the key concepts of cow nutrition and cow comfort within your farming system will achieve all of those aims.
Of course best learning will require you to take action. It’s difficult to learn how to ride a bike from studying a book.
I’ll be there to support you.
Q. What if I don’t get the result you promise? Do I get my money back?.
I’ll cheerfully refund your money if you feel you haven’t gotten the value you thought you would have.
Q. Vets are expensive ..and consultants. What about you? How much do you charge for your time?
I don’t charge on a time basis. I price my products and programs based on the value and results they bring to you.
Q. I’m system 1 or 2 ..how can your services and nutrition product help me?
So grass and grass based forages such as grass silage, hay and straw are your preferred feeds for your cows.
With the addition of other supplements from time to time. That’s great!.
Pasture as you know varies in composition and quality from week to week.
And understanding the implications of these changes for the cow and her production, fertility and longevity is hugely beneficial.
For them, for your satisfaction and your pocket.